Tag Archives: cathedral music

Funky Gibbons

I wasn’t originally intending to blog again in the lead-up to Jacobean Secrets but am prompted to do so by three factors:

  • Further work on the music we’re singing ahead of the final rehearsal
  • Personal preparation for my performance of Gibbons’s Fantazia of foure parts in the first half of the programme
  • The broadcast of a quite extra-ordinary arrangement for a modern instrumental chamber ensemble including piano and clarinet of Gibbons’s anthem This is the record of John, which meant little without the words, although it was a pleasant sound. Continue reading

From Venetian Basilica to English Cathedral

Well, it was a great thrill to bring Giovanni Croce’s Missa Percussit Saul back to life in our November Venetian Echoes – its first complete performance since the composer’s lifetime, as far as we have been able to discover. And thanks to our colleagues Roger Judd (organ) and the renaissance brass of Meridian Sinfonia for their contributions to that memorable evening.

Since then we have maintained our tradition of carol singing in the streets and pubs of Thames Ditton in aid of local charities and had an initial look at the music for our March 2016 programme Continue reading
